blog posts from our founder
blog posts from our founder
How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last? // Tips To Start Healing Today
So many of us believe a lie that keeps us paralyzed from taking action. This lie tells us that we have to wait until we “feel better” to accomplish anything of value. If you allow this lie to take root, it can actually be the very thing standing in the way of you...
How To Treat Postpartum Depression And Postpartum Anxiety Using Cognitive Reshaping
For some time now, my oldest son, Abram, has wrestled with fear at night. Whenever it’s time for bed, you can visibly see the fear on his face. Every night we pray together in the living room as a family before heading upstairs to get the kids ready for bed. During...
If God Can Really Heal Postpartum Depression, Why Hasn’t He Healed Me?
The answer to the question seems obvious… of course He can heal you. Have you read the Bible? In just the New Testament alone Jesus healed 20+ people (and performed countless miracles) and those are just the ones written down. Knowing that God is fully able to heal...
How To Go From “I’m Afraid I Might Hurt My Baby” to Living With a Sound Mind
This year for the first time since Kyla’s birth in 2018, I had the opportunity to stay home alone with all 10 of my children (jk, I only have three, they just have energy of 10) for three days. If I’m honest this was a day I dreaded ever coming. I never thought I’d be...
Don’t Wait, Dance Now // Finding Joy In The Midst of Anxiety and Depression
I coach women with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. It’s my life’s mission to help women naturally overcome ppd without medication. But, I’d be lying to you if I said I haven’t struggled with anxiety since I’ve learned the tools and put them into action. ...
The Vision for Defeat PPD // My Experience At the Psych Hospital for Postpartum Depression
In the last post, Birthing Pains, I shared a bit of the origin story of Defeat PPD. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend reading that post first. Today’s post is a continuation of Birthing Pains where I share the vision for Defeat PPD both today and in the...
The Origin of Defeat PPD Inc. // The Truth About Naturally Overcoming Postpartum Depression
It’s impossible to tell the origin story of Defeat PPD without first telling a little of my personal story. The two are so closely intertwined; you need my back story to understand the birth of Defeat PPD. For the sake of time, I’ll start my story back in early 2015....